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Which weighs more to you: Writing or Reading?
"If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that."
— Stephen King
Writing is a form of leisure that substitutes the absence of childish games. it is the way of expressing the thoughts of a human that could hardly utter; it is one of the languages of the people who couldn't speak; it is part of human life that imagining without it is like having an abnormal life.
Reading is the way of receiving the unspoken message; it is the way of understanding the emotion of a certain writer. Reading is a sharpener of mind - as it is the way of adding informations to your knowledge - and the most common source of intelligence. Imagine you couldn't read at all, you might be lost in some places, you might be hit of a car by disobeying the road signs. in other words, absence of reading is suicide.
Writing is like reading. You write because you can read and vice-versa. Oftentimes, when I'm bored of reading or there's nothing left to be read, I write everything that is on my mind, just like now.(lelws) But apparently, choosing what weighs more between the two is like choosing which is more important to you, the left eye or the right eye? choose as if you have a choice..hahaha