

         When Blog and Book Collide (can't stop the urge inside) is about book reviews, book discussions and  literary world's updates. If the post seems to be short to be posted on this site, you can check it out on blog's facebook page. However, when it comes to ratings, I often display the ratings when it is perfectly rated. Otherwise, just read my review and learn why the rating of a certain book is not to be seen.
          The reviews may be straightforward and harsh, but then again it's the taste that answers why. Some of the reviews have spoilers too and I'm warning you not to read the review that has warning about spoilers if you haven't read yet the reviewed book.
Update: January 01, 2011

I have decided to post the rating on every books that I'm going to read. Here's the rating legend:

5-star ---- Amazing!
4-star ---- I really liked it.
3-star ---- I liked it.
2-star ---- It's Okay.
1-star ---- Crap!


I'm Rollie, 22 years old, swimming in an ocean of books in Philippines. A graduating student of an engineering course. Supposedly, I am to solve problems than read novels. But who said I can't do both? I even also love the following:
*History Channel
*Discovery Channel

I read different genres but YA novels are the one I prefer the most. I also love sci-fi, dystopia, steampunk, urban fantasy, epic fantasy and paranormal. I also read Adult's Fiction since it's too obvious that I am at my legal age to read that kinds of book already. You can see my books at my goodreads shelf.

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